Marketing Strategy

Our commitment to the small business leader is to help you increase revenue. The base for that result is good marketing strategy. To us at Obligent, marketing strategy has the following components.

The first is a clear definition of the audience and the problem that you are solving. What in your products or services do that and what is unique about it? Given these two elements what is the best way of reaching them? It is not enough to reach them, you need to stay engaged.

The internet has become the primary mechanism to reach your prospects. But nothing beats referrals from satisfied clients. Happy existing clients buy more from you and recommend your business. So our toolbox also includes solutions like customer loyalty programs.

When we recommend a strategy it contains a plan of execution too. That plan would include tools to use that are relevant to your business. It would also lay out ways to measure the effectiveness of the marketing process. So call us or email us to get the conversation started.

Here are some areas that we may be discuss. For these are all considerations for your marketing strategy.

Who is your customer?

You may not have a customer profile that starts off like this, “Jane is the mother of three children ages 4 to 9. In the morning, she sees off two of her children …” That does seem like over kill. But saying something like “my customer is anyone who would buy from me” doesn’t help you make money either. We would help you be more specific so that you would know how to reach them. Are you selling to the mass market or a niche? Is your customer base segmented or diversified? We would also want you to understand what motivates your clientele. Knowing their pain points, aspirations and jobs they need to do is vital to your success.

Does your product or service solve a problem?

If you know your customers challenges, you know what problems your product solves. Or, perhaps, your services are meant to help achieving some goals that they have. We help you clearly define why your customers need to care for your products and services.

How are you reaching your customers?

Before you worry about audience engagement you would need to solve the reach problem. Your channels are where customers perceive value and you create experiences. You may own the channels or collaborate with channel partners. Your method to reach them would be direct or indirect. The touch points would change over the customer’s life-cycle with your offerings. Your strategy needs to address all the stages from awareness through after sales.

What is your Customer relationship strategy?

Your business goals and motivation determines relationship strategy. A customer acquisition focused strategy differs from a retention focus. Maximizing revenue in a short time frame would need another type of strategy. After sales support may be delivered through a range of means too. It may vary from self-service to dedicated personal help.

You see a full-fledged marketing strategy is much more than media planning. It is also much more, may we say, “Strategic” than deciding to spend some money on SEO for your website. The latter is very important too. But that is when we get into the details of how to make your strategy happen.

Those decisions are very specific to your business as is the strategy. So call us or write to us to take the conversation forward.